Jan 3, 2009

Terminator Salvation

Christian Bale is back again fighting baddies in Terminator Salvation. McG will direct this post apocalyptic feature which will focus on a new character, Marcus Wright whose last memory is being on death row. Connor played by Bale must decide whether Wright is friend or foe.

Success: This could be a great popcorn flick with an interesting story. Furthering the story could be a new jump start to the franchise and Bale could do justice the John Connor Character.

Failure: The fear of the Terminator is gone. Remember how scary it was to see the unstoppable force in the original? Cameron had trouble endorsing McG has a director. James must still be riding high from Titanic success.

Tomorrow: Watchmen


Onkel Chrispy said...
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Onkel Chrispy said...

I am an arnold fan, for better or for worse...usually worse...
i hope he appears in salvation in some shape or form. 'rise of the machines' was cheesily decent.

i am looking forward however to the brendenberg and pinkelby reunion in the upcoming 'ninja mailman part 3'!!

Anonymous said...

Right on with the fear being gone. The first one was good. T2 was such a big movie. However, I liked Arnold in other movies better. Hopefully they will use Arnold's likeness in the background somehow. I know he's not allowed to actually be in the movie.

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