True on –screen villains are characters that we despise and cannot wait to see them meet their final doom. There has to be a true hatred for a villain to exist. He or she is the character that gives you actual feelings of anger as you watch them plot and plan the demise of a hero or protagonist. A villain is a portrait into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. They are representative of everything ugly about life. Their personalities can be best described as unexplained. A true villain does not have a clear past. It is the one thing they hide so that vulnerability cannot be found. His or her intentions must be muddled at best. They are lost demons roaming freely and written into scripts to further an understanding of our main characters. They should not be caricatures or liked, and most importantly they should not garner any sympathy from the audience.
Today’s Roar will focus on my list of top the top five movie villains I despise. Darth Vader does not count even though he is evil, his intentions are not always to hurt or cause pain and he can choke people by putting his index finger to his thumb and that is just cool. Freddy Krueger does not count because in a sick way I kind of pull for him just so I can hear stupid one-liners. The villains for this list must be unlikable.
5) Principal Vernon (The Breakfast Club)-What a douche! I’m a swell guy he says. I say I hate you from the bottom of my soul.

4) Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest)-Louise Fletcher was scary as hell in this role. There was nothing likable about Nurse Ratched. Poor Chief. I’m sad just thinking about this movie. What a colossal bitch!

3) Captain Vidal (Pan’s Labyrinth)-Seriously scary and mean. Whiskey pouring through a hole in his cheek still haunts me. He is the vacuum that sucked the imagination out of our hero. I detested him from the first scene.

2)King Edward Longshanks (Braveheart)-Homophobe! He was not a nice character. I wanted to put on a kilt and cut him up by the end of this one. It was great scene when it was whispered into his ear that his heir would have the bloodline of William Wallace. FREEDOM!

1)Ivan Drago (Rocky IV)-Yeah, you’ll dispute this, but remember how much we all hated the Russians in the 80’s. We were taught to loathe anything Moscow. He was so clever with his words too, If he dies, he dies. Good one Drago. Here are some blue jeans and a loaf of bread, go have fun at the Kremlin. I’m going to run up a mountain and shout your name.
i don't consider myself a bad or evil person, but i would be lying if i said i didn't derive huge mounds of glee from dark and disturbing situations.i think most people do, otherwise the horror/action genre wouldn't make the billions it does every year. that being said, when i hear a car skid, i wait for a crash. when i see an elephant on television rampaging through a crowded street, i am rooting on him to trample as many motherfuckers as possible.
when it comes to movies i tend to usually pull for the villain. alex from A CLOCKWORK ORANGE is murdering rapist, but you know what? i kinda like that dude! leatherface cracks me up. i can relate to the jokers skewed logic and adoration of anarchy. i think it is all in good fun!!!
that being said, your list of the most loathsome villains is perfect. i hate all of these characters, and they have played their roles so well, i've hated them in everything else they've done since! i fucking LOATHE nurse ratchet! when nicholson is choking her i actually hope she dies, that somehow the movie will change just this once. as well captain vidals demise is well deserved, and i am glad that he will spend eternity doing so on home video. prick.
As always, awesome response!
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