Inventive, imaginative, daring, self-aware, and at times awe-inspiring; are the words that best describe Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Guillermo Del Torro’s vision is something to behold. It is an array of sensations that hit you all at once. At times you will find it hard to wrap your mind around what is happening on screen. This is a new version of the “superhero genre” and in away a throw back film to glorious 1980’s fantasy cinema. Hellboy II offers something that many summer films cannot, heart. The story is quite good and truly resembles that of a bedtime story which is how the movie opens. John Hurt (Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull) tells a young Hellboy of a world long lost. A world where man was not to be trusted and as a contingency a group of elves created a Golden Army that could be controlled to rule the world if things were to get "out of hand.”
Much like Lord of the Rings, a crown divided into three parts was divided and once brought together a ruler could claim this Golden Army and have it do his bidding. This all seems to play out as the backdrop to other story arches which are just as compelling.
Del Torro and Mike Mignola (Creator of Hellboy) seem to push all of the right buttons with this film. The characters are very comfortable in their environment which seems to be produced by extremely powerful hallucinogens or just over active imaginations. It is enjoyable to see a director have fun with a film and create something that is uniquely his own. Del Torro has done this before with Pan’s Labyrinth, but Hellboy is a bit more simplistic than that film. Hellboy (Ron Pearlman) as a character is fascinating in his own right. In this movie he wants to be recognized like a Spiderman or Superman and be loved by the populace. Unfotunatley, the populace finds a red, hornless, devil not endearing. Hellboy is conflicted because he has spent his entire life defending these people from the things that they fear. He has protected them from all of the “bumps” in the darkness of night and they still refuse to embrace him and his band of misfits. It is amazing to actually see the expressions of hurt feelings on the face of an otherwise “unique” character. This is a credit to the filmmaker, who allows his hero to be the harbinger of emotion.
There are few scenes in movies that as you watch them, you know they will become classics for one reason or another. Del Torro’s Troll Market is something to marvel. It is fantastic, witty, scary, beautiful, and truly out of this world. It is Mos Eisley Cantina all over again and a truly fun time. It is homage to our childish imaginations and it is more than welcomed. There are so many creatures, monsters, trolls, and other unexplainable things that the feast for senses will leave you more than full. Hellboy says something rather poignant in the Troll Market. He states “They don’t look at us funny down here…” Implying that his gang of misfits finally “fits” somewhere. Oddly enough, if you ever survived high school, you will feel the same.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army was a real surprise for me. It exceeded my expectations visually and emotionally. Will this movie change the “superhero genre?” No, but it may bring back fantasy films. If you weren't a fan of the first film, I cannot recommend you to see this movie. The humor is on par with the original Hellboy and the characters as they are require you to abandon rationality for the simple fact that they exist. By the end of this movie there is plenty of room for Hellboy 3 and I for one, hope that idea comes to fruition. It is also safe to say that The Hobbit is in more than capable hands and I cannot wait to see the visual world Del Torro will create for those films.
I thought the film was great, I wish there was more. The scene where he had to decide between saving humanity or killing the plant monster was excellent
Yeah, you wouldn't think that Broccoli (sp?) would be exciting
Saw it yesterday, and it was pretty incredible. There was maybe a ten minute lull in the middle of the film where they seemed to be going everywhere, and nowhere at once. Also, this one was a little too 'jokey' for me at times. Aside from those very minor nitpicks, it contained all what I love to see in movies, and all I wish there was more of. The scenes with the Goblin/Secret Gate/Angel of Death were really fun to watch. I too loved the troll market, and the gaseous Johann Krauss.
Boy, I am glad you liked it. By the looks of the box office, I think we are the only two. I will gladly visit The Dark Knight with you. Chrispy, I am telling you, the relationship (Batman, Joker) is everything we discussed long ago. That need for each other oozes onto the screen.
Your friendly neighborhood,
Hellboy 2 is steadfast at number five in the box office. It's a rough week for any movie, especially with Dark Knight coming out! We saw it and were the only ones in the theater...but there was a line out the door for Dark Knight!
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