A guilty pleasure is something you know shouldn’t like, but you do. For example, some manly men may like “girl drinks” or the sound of Justin Timberlake blasting through their car system. I for one only like beer and Justin Timberlake blasting through my car stereo, but only if he is with N-Sync. So for today’s “roar,” I’ve named five movies that are pure guilty pleasures. I do not regard them as good movies, but as movies I like. These are movies I watch in secret and “may” have in my DVD collection. I encourage you to comment and list your own “guilty pleasures.”
5) Road House
I don’t know what it is about this movie, but any time Sam Elliot shows up in a film I like it. The ending is a bit over the top, but the villain, Ben (Brad Wesley), did bring J.C. Penny to town and he wasn’t afraid to tell us. Plus, I enjoy a big monster truck scene in any movie.
4) Cabin Boy
Cabin Boy shockingly was not nominated for any academy awards, but this movie is damn funny. Chris Elliot does what Chris Elliot does best, he plays a “boob” named Nathaniel Mayweather. This movie doesn’t take itself too seriously and you shouldn’t either. Hey, wanna buy a monkey?
3) Fools Rush In
Salma Hayek is hot, hot, hot. I still believe this is a great romantic comedy. You could say it is the original Knocked Up. Matthew Perry plays an architect who has a one night stand with Hayek. She becomes pregnant and the relationship begins in reverse. I enjoyed the birth at the Hoover Dam. Again, Hayek is hot.
2) Above the Law
Steven Seagal is the man in this movie. He plays Nico Toscani a cop with an attitude and like every action movie from this genre, he is an ex-Vietnam veteran. I love the fact that Seagal actually has writing credits on this film. Sharon Stone also appears as his wife. What, are you gonna arrest me for liking this movie?
1) Dirty Dancing
I feel “dirty” just writing about this film. Yes, I called it a film because it is cinematic treasure. I developed a bit of crush on Jennifer Grey after this movie. I only view it under the guise that my wife is watching it and I was forced. Jerry Orbach plays a cool dad too. Nobody puts this movie in a corner.
You know the T-Mobile commercial when the two guys are at a table and one friend notices a tat on his friend's back right above his ass and immediately takes his phone out to take out of his "five." ... Well right now I feel like the guy with the phone. If you don't hear from me for a few days, this blog is the reason. I have some thinking to do about our friendship and we all know why. I suggest you investigate, preferably with a therapist, your mancrush on swayze. I can understand Road House ... It's such a bad movie it's good. In fact I just watched it a few weeks ago for the first time and I'm better for it.
But the other one -- I don't even want to mention the title -- is too much for me to accept.
But I still enjoyed the writing.
Swayze has been in some classics. think about Red Dawn, the Outsiders, and Black Dog (LOL). dude, it is a guilty pleasure. I don't fell good about liking it, but I can't help it. Pretty Woman almost made the list. I am off now to take a bath with my new Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon soap. Until, you decide to talk to me...I am going to watch Ghost.
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